Today i went to meet my frens sharing at McDonald taman counnaght~~~~~ After that, when i waiting to going home.... because my fren on waiting his fren coming to take lunch....Therefore im still accompany and waiting his frens... after that, his frens reach~~~~~~~~~ and i felt his frens " wear color spec " to looking on me~~~~~~~~~~~~ at the moment, i think..... it is anything wrong i doing????? erm......................... This feeling make me so uncomfortable...
Got a lot type of friends~~~~~~~~~ Each also having their own style to be friends with you!!! is that true????? Like frens with frens....... then his frens came here~~~~~~~~~~ why should " wear color spec " to looking on me?????????????? am i did any worst thing to your frens???????????? NO... im not~~~~~~~~ Then why you want like that treat people frens???? If that people got did something to hurt your frens or what.... you " wear color spec " looking on people... sure no problem................... People frens, his/her self more clean that you~~~~~~~~~~ No need you to helping them to looking their frens.... Some more, Maybe they are good frens.. giving you looking like that, after that... no need said.... you will said... eh, your frens not good or what bad things on him/her~~~~~~~~~~~~~ this is a bad things, you are destroy people relationship..... Why want been like that, it is you are worry , scare or just a protect???????????? I realize friends really is a big knowledge~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If his is my frens, i wont hurt my frens~~~~~~~ it is because for me... frens are important to me... why i should hurt them???? somemore i like helping people~~~~~ like that got wrong???? seriously im so unhappy today~~~~~~~~~~ This is what i realize!!!!!!!!!
World is so reality~~~~~~~~~~~
Good Friends also is hard to find~~~~~~~~~~~~
Be good, people treat you like evil~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
but i wont give up~~~~~~~~
because i believe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
jia you ah...add oil ya~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
i can do it~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
keep Smile (:
everyday colourful~~~~~~~~~~~~
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