What i buy is NEEDED in my life, not WISHING in my life.

Monday, August 31

~~A Sudden Party~~

~~A Sudden Party~~

Yesterday 30 Ogos 2009.
At the night, My frens sudden telling me want went to 21 century Kajang take dinner together!!
8.00pm, We start take the journey to fetch frens who i need to fetch~~~ 1st, i fetch Kent together with me went to Chermaine house fetch her~~~ and sean with nikko went to fetch joan~~~
After that, we waiting Ming at Mc Donald Tun Hussien Onn!! So Shock he also joining us, but after the 21 century he went back home and preparing to going Quattro club with his secondary frens celebration merdeka days!!
Around 10 something, we sitting right there thinking when should been going on the next plan~~~~ Then i telling sean; Chermaine want to sing k tonight~~~
After that, we asking number and contact to NEWWAY and GREENBOX to confirm the price!! 10.30pm, We decide went to Jusco GreenBox!!! Price is RM42++ per person then free drink + snack + supper!!! time is 10.30pm - 3pm~~~~~~~
We play as crazy and singing like singer right there!!
Beside that, when i look on the screen with the lyrics!! So many songs have meaningful lyrics ( More on Old songs )....make me so Touch on it~~~
I will choose some to write out on the next... hehe =D
This party was ended at 4.30am !!!
It was a great sudden party!! wish all of them have a great days too!!
Take care and keep smile (:

~~Group Photo~~

Sunday, August 30



~~朋友的情谊是一辈子的 真正的朋友是一生的幸福~~






但一定心心相惜 ,








  像一片温柔轻 拂的流云


9.流星虽逝 美好的愿望依旧在心底



Wednesday, August 26

~~Know Yourself More~~

http://www.quizbox.com/personality/test82.aspx Visit this website to know yourself more~~

~~About Myself~~
~~(Personality Quiz Answers)~~

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education:
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.

The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Most of it are so correct... That means i know myself.. but nobody understand me.. few days never smile, i really cant smile...

Monday, August 24

~~I'm bad boy~~

~~I'm Bad Boy~~
I'm really felt myself was bad... I have did a lot of bad things....
But it is everyone never did wrong, fault or bad things??? What things we did is correct?? What things we did is wrong?? I really doesn't know what is correct or wrong... What i did is bad~~~ I really did a big mistake and i fault of doing that... Really Sorry... Maybe i still not enough mature~~~ Am i, i Am.... What can i do... this time i really don't know~~~~
However i did wrong, but i never lie~~~ what i did is by my heart... But nobody understand me~~~ Everyday wake up only alone at home!! Many people also the same... But i have try been this since kids that time... I can't ever felt warm of family... Last night, my mum asking me take somethings on the table to somebody.... after that, night at home... She can't found a paper that on the table need give my sister to fill up the information... She keep finding also can't found... that shock me~~~~~~~ Said it is i taking it to somebody... i very confirm to her i didn't... but nobody believe... ever is my family.... NOBODY understand me or really care to me... Every times i think or get again the same things... Seriously I'm tear was inside my heart dropping~~~ Outside i really be so strong, it is because i no want people look down me... when i alone at home or somethings has happening... i always is the weak 1..... my heart really hurt '2'....
You said you are the hurt~~~
Have you thinking of me to said that and the most hurt is me~~~
I really doesn't know which people is really care on me and would like to listening what i share... Therefore i only can wrote out the feeling of me... Every times i read back or saw it also will felt sad~~~
Every times i smile, but this smile is not me..
It is because nobody care, but i don't wish other friends worry about me..
That why i keep smile, but inside my heart was so cold..
So contradictions (矛盾)~~
Want people care, but not want worry~~~
Today i really can't smile~~~~

Tuesday, August 18

~~Stress~~ & ~~Heart~~

17/08/2009 7.10pm Rain

What is "stress"??
Anyone who really know the meaning of stress???
Or understand what stress is???
I really dont know what is stress??
It is when felt so tired & worry & scary about somethings, that time calling stress!!!
Most of person will face with family force on result or what else!!!
For me, my family never forces me to get colourful result. But actually they are wish, i do so...
Because of this myself almost crazy, tomorrow start the 1st final exam... but im still right here writing my feeling!!
Some people will felt im so great, no family force.. but actually got, they didnt said out... but when they know about the result was failed. my father will crazy...
Because when i talk "MONEY" with my father... everything will be different!!! "MONEY" is his life..
Therefore, every time i study or what else... i also tried my best!! Many time i also didnt asking to them about what fees...
I really doesnt like take "MONEY" with them and talk about "MONEY" with them....
Every time after final exam, i start worry about my result... if i get failed... my life will goes to more crazy!!!
Nobody know why i person like that... it is because nobody understand my family and me!!!
Maybe people will said me "bu zhi zhu" dont know treasure it!! But i do and i appreciate it!!!
Last time, i felt myself really useless... doing what else also nothing special...because i dont have high IQ or EQ...
In my life, i understand..Whatever i do... i hardworking doing it... i believe i will archive what i want...
But this is doesnt easy things... because no family supports... really heart pain... But i still on going... i believe 1 days their will supporting me!!
"MONEY" is giving me a lot problem and stress!!! So wish this world doesnt talk to "MONEY"
But this is impossible things... everythings also talk to "MONEY"
What "NO MONEY NO TALK" this really makes me crazy!!!

What is "heart"??
Have anyone used their heart to treat everyone!!
I have... Whatever i do, i used my heart to do, chat, share....
Because i believe used heart to complete everything is the best!!!
But have people used heart treat me or not!!! I really dont know!! I want know!!
but I dont dare... therefore I dont wish to know the answer too...
Friends, be friends with me is good or bad... I dont know... but i just know,
when i was your friends... i will used heart to helping you, listening you, supporting you!!
It is got my friends treat me back like that?? Used "Heart"?? I also dont wish to know!!!
"TALK HEART BY HEART" i believe this is the best!!! Maybe you will said i want friends helping back,
I can said... yeah.. I think like that... I really wish my friends can treat me back like that...
But I also dont want people force to treat me like that.... Because I really hate get "FORCE"!!
Family, I believe family also used heart on me... if not they wont scolding me!! But everything also because of "MONEY"
I really dont understand what is the important things??? Seriously... I have try to think of end my life!!!
But I already 21, why I want so stupid to end my life... it is I should do more well in my following life???
I really want to THANKS my sister.. No wonder how, she always believe me, supporting me, however something we got some argue!!
But my sister really understands me... She know I really stress when talk on "MONEY" she know I need care of people!!
Why I treat people by heart!! It is because I need people caring me... I really wish i got friends which always can care me...
Share with me, chatting with me... Have anyone tried live in alone??? However i stay with family...
But i live like alone........ When I’m kids already like that, sometimes i really think it is I’m crazy??
Or i learning and facing more things that other people... or i really still same like kids???
Why i said so, it is because morning wake up.. all working, night, sleep... if i didnt meet friends or online...
100% at home alone and never talk!!! Got mobile phone, SO!!
Why should i always finding people said gai gai or what else!!! why cant people finding me!! WHY???
I really dont know why, but i also dont wish to know why already!!
Now, I’m already 21. If my fate is like this.. im also have to walk the following road... But i will still try my best to treat everyone good,
no wonder how...i believe 1 days people will treat me back!!! Maybe that time is end of my life!!

Sunday, August 16


~~ 是人就有感情,有感情就會愛、恨、嗔、癡,費心安排過的感情,就算錯,也依然精采。~~

~~ 人生是一种很复杂的考验~ 
每一个人都在面对着眼前的困难~可是没有一件事情是有一定对或错~当我们面对着人,事和物时候是要去了解他而不是只看外表~因为很多时候他是被逼或有自己的想法和苦充~他们都是有好有坏~只要用另一个角度去看待他们~一切都会更美好~我们要学会满足~才有能力走的更远~伤心和快乐只是一分之差~不埋怨就会很快乐 ~~

~~ 我的人生接下来会是怎样呢? 是不是决定了要勇往直前呢? 我的人生还有几多个十年,真的要好好的干一干吗? 我真的做得到吗? 我有这个你不能力吗? 我能承受的了那压力吗? ~~

~~ 微微笑一笑,心情自然好!! =) 保持笑容,天天开心! ~~

~~ 自己是自己,別人是別人!! 不用羡慕; 妒嫉别人 ,
因为别人正在承受比我多的烦恼!! 我要比人家付出更多才可以有成功!! ~~

~~ 靠山山倒,靠人人倒,靠自己最好!! ~~

~~ 一个悲观的人做每样事情都会困难重重,相反,一个乐观的人做每件事都看到无限契机。~~

~~ 我真的找到了目标吗?我的目的又是什么呢?我有没有能力突破难关吗?我有没有勇气承受这个压力呢? ~~

~~ 什么是朋友友情又是什么?~~

~~ 什么是家人亲情又是什么?~~

~~ 什么是金钱??~~

~~ 我的人生真的有很多问题啊!!我该这么面对呢??~~

~~大家见我天天笑笑;以为我是很开心。可是没有一个人知道我的心里的感受。说是说会支持你;可是什么是支持,支持是一个意思为了安慰你;还是要有行动的支持呢?友情,爱情,亲情 = 烦恼!!金钱烦恼!!~~

Monday, August 10

~~What is Friends~~

Wahaha friends again... sometimes i really blur... can you image or not~~~~~~~~~ hmmmm, why friends between friends... got so many things???? Dont know why, i really felt friends was the important to me... because no friends like no life le.... haiyo, do you felt bored... if you dont have friends???? or sometime sharing what... nobody will choi you....do you know that feeling... feel so weird and hurt~~~~~ Maybe is myself too like to treat friends good or what else... therefore, when friends need me... sure everyone finding me.... when nothing else... nobody will find me.... this i know, mostly friends are like that... but i like friends no wonder what..also 8 with me.... Because i really like friends care~~~ i felt relax..when having a lot of friends care of me!!!!!!!!!!!!! but.. in my life was full of challenge... it is no such friends will treat me as their important friends... this is what i felt..... however it is hurting me... but i will still treat you all are my important friends.... Every time i saw ppl 21 birthday celebration... i also felt sad and tear drop inside my heart.... i really jealous about it..... Many times i thinking and thinking... it is i be people friends got problem~~~~~~~~~~ why i never can get that kind of friends or celebration de party???????????????? I really jealous~~~ Do anyone know??? Nobody.. i just can keep inside my heart and reminder myself..... just be myself.... if my fate is like that.... Only the things i have to accept is.... keep walking forward.... to look something more in future..... Why i used heart to treat people... but people mostly thinking im try finding something of their??? haiz~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~What is Friends~~
People always said~~~
If you are alone, I'll be your shadow
If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder
If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile
But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be Me.
~~But got how many doing this???
Said the true... i was doing this... but nobody appreciate it~~

Sunday, August 9


08.08.2oo9 Wei Ying create a birthday party and gathering at she house~~~~ OMG~~~~ at the party we crazy like evil.... playing like kids..... laugh like tiger~~~~~~~~~~~~and... running like dog catch cat~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wahahah xD
This is a great gathering and birthday party~~~~~~~~~~ Follow picture is an picture we take when look serious but just some people break it??? because they smile and smile =D erm............. but consider funny too... wahaha xD however everyone so long didnt meet... but mostly of things are still same... haha xD No wonder where when??? we still are FOREVER 5C... Wish they all good luck and having a good future~~~ take care my dear bro & sis~~~ hehe.... that night really happy~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wish always got this chance ah~~~~~~~~~ hehe xD
~~When frens meet together~~
~~everything will felt so relax~~
smile always (:

Thursday, August 6


Today i went to meet my frens sharing at McDonald taman counnaght~~~~~ After that, when i waiting to going home.... because my fren on waiting his fren coming to take lunch....Therefore im still accompany and waiting his frens... after that, his frens reach~~~~~~~~~ and i felt his frens " wear color spec " to looking on me~~~~~~~~~~~~ at the moment, i think..... it is anything wrong i doing????? erm......................... This feeling make me so uncomfortable...

Got a lot type of friends~~~~~~~~~ Each also having their own style to be friends with you!!! is that true????? Like frens with frens....... then his frens came here~~~~~~~~~~ why should " wear color spec " to looking on me?????????????? am i did any worst thing to your frens???????????? NO... im not~~~~~~~~ Then why you want like that treat people frens???? If that people got did something to hurt your frens or what.... you " wear color spec " looking on people... sure no problem................... People frens, his/her self more clean that you~~~~~~~~~~ No need you to helping them to looking their frens.... Some more, Maybe they are good frens.. giving you looking like that, after that... no need said.... you will said... eh, your frens not good or what bad things on him/her~~~~~~~~~~~~~ this is a bad things, you are destroy people relationship..... Why want been like that, it is you are worry , scare or just a protect???????????? I realize friends really is a big knowledge~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If his is my frens, i wont hurt my frens~~~~~~~ it is because for me... frens are important to me... why i should hurt them???? somemore i like helping people~~~~~ like that got wrong???? seriously im so unhappy today~~~~~~~~~~ This is what i realize!!!!!!!!!
World is so reality~~~~~~~~~~~
Good Friends also is hard to find~~~~~~~~~~~~
Be good, people treat you like evil~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
but i wont give up~~~~~~~~
because i believe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
jia you ah...add oil ya~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
i can do it~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
keep Smile (:
everyday colourful~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wednesday, August 5


What is friends??? Can anyone describe it??? erm.... For me friends in my life was very important.... Dont know why i so weird~~~~ i like to meet and know more frens.... therefore im so 8 gua to find people chatting... Somemore, i like to helping my frens.... no wonder is who... i will also try my best to helping them when they need me.... (: i just know, can helping people is a great things.... therefore, no wonder how bad the frens treat me.... i will still helping when they needed my help~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maybe you think i easy bully.... but is not.. im understand and clean what im doing..... but sometimes, how frens treat me??? It is because im seldom got caring of my family, therefore i so hope can get caring of frens..... maybe is me felt myself like disappear in this world~~~~~~~~~ nobody will care me or finding me gai gai, chatting or what else~~~~~~~~~~~ people said.. you can find me... when finding... a lot of reason to stop your invite..... For me.... im sad~~~~~~~~~~~ but im understand!!!!!!!!!! maybe i got a lot of problem, therefore nobody like me.... but my frens was treating me as what?? really dont know!!!! I dont want to think and also not want to know~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ because im already know the answering!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everytime i also telling myself dont think about it.... but everytime i will also get this feeling... seriously get hurt... but no choice ah... fate is fate... life is life... im only can choice to think positif and keep smile (: so my life only will become more colourful~~~~~~~~~~ hehe.. anyway... thanks my frens too... because of them, i learnt a lot of things too... (:
Do you trust your friends???
Do your friends trust you???

Tuesday, August 4


This few days keep listening this few songs..... When you Believe and New Divine~~~~~~~~~~~~ For me.. really nice.. i had learnt a lot of things when im listening... and im understand it...... People maybe listen is because nice... but me is more that.... i like listening nice music and the lyris or the songs..... it is because a lot of songs was many nice lyris.. however some songs are not so nice... but the lyris really meaningful~~~~~~~~~~~ i will like it too... (:
There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It's hard to kill

Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe somehow you will
You will when you believe.... (:
Jia you everyone... we must believe on self to prove yourself is strong.... (:

Monday, August 3

~~My 21 Birthday~~

This is about my 21 birthday. This year still the same. I have a normal celebration in my birthday. Seriously, I really sad.... I never and even got a good celebration in my birthday before. Before it, i saw everyone 1988 celebration their 21 birthday really jealous. Because i know it, i will never have this kind of birthday party. Everyone also got their problems. I really need more frens to take care me. But disappointed, maybe i not so friendly. Therefore i doesn't have a good celebration birthday in my life. However i sad, but i accepted. Maybe this is my fate. Therefore i wont "Zhe guai" god or what. I just believe i used heart treat people. People will treat me with heart '2'. But the world is so "xiang shi". I cant even have a people who believe me or support me?? However i have a lot of brothers. But i really dont know, for them... in their eye.. how am i?? what am i?? When my birthday, got 1 years im really surprice because they present is razor mouse, but i also not so happy!! because what i like is celebration with a lot of frens together and play. Present for me is doesnt matter. I prefer celebrate with everyone and cut cake more that need the present. This year is my 21 birthday, i never cut cake. Really Sad............ my tear drop................ it is because i saw people 21 birthday was having a big cake and it is celebration with family and many friends. Some more, i like to take picture with frens. but nobody taking picture with me.... therefore i got a bit hate bring camera.. my sister asking me... why everytime going out with frens or what else. also didnt saw me inside.. just my frens.. i only can smile said.. oh, i like helping people taking picture.. actually i the most like to take picture together with frens.... just nobody like take with me.... maybe i too ugly.. wahahaha xD However aug 1, i got came out with brother. But it make me sad, because they said is bring me out celebration and play. But when reach there... because of money... make me felt so sad. if you are heart want bring me out play.... Dont telling reason... that is no reason if you got heart to do it. At the moment i seriously get hurt.. and i sad... but i didnt let them know... because i understand they style and their problem.. therefore i also try to make myself happy and smile. No wonder how, i also want thanks to them.... thanks brother and sister... After that, I know i not a popular person or what. So i just can sad inside my heart. aug 2, i got cut cake when finished meeting and helping my kai daddy celebrate his birhtday..... He suddenly want me cut a cake wor... so i just cake.. That time i more sad........ haiz~~~ I sharing out doesnt means i want get back what.... I just want to let other people know. they are so "xin fu" if campare with me. maybe they also got sad things..... Besides that, my family... People telling me... Dad will "sek" boy more that girl.. but im the lucky boy i think!! because my dad wont "sek" me.. just know to angry me and scolding me.. Some more, my birthday that days, my dad never said happy birthday to me. because my birthday was near with my sister. my sister birthday is 28. Then everytime giving "ang pou" also is right my sister birthday that time!!Seriously i really sad and hurt. But i have to accepted it......... but no wonder how.. they is my family.. So i will treasure them and keep treat they good as what i can do it.

~~A New Start~~

Today I’m deciding start writing my blog again. When you are reading my blog, maybe you will felt weird. Because my blog will “Suka Suka hati” like adding Malay, and Chinese words.Somemore my english grammar very worst.Therefore hope you don’t mind about it, because this is what I want to sharing out my feeling and things that happening in my life. This is because I’m already deciding to challenge my life挑战我的生活!!Everyone also having your life changing when they grow up!!I’m would like to share my happiness and sadness and everything’s to everyone who’s know me or didn’t know me. Today early morning I’m wake up and preparing for afternoon function. This function is my company 1. They came out and teaching us, sharing experience with us, and the reality of the world 真实的世界!! I’m so great can join this company as my part time works now, because I learning of lot of things that cant ever find or teach by books or studies. This year I’m 21 years old. I wont like to waiting until oldest only hardworking to be successful. I want to let my family and everyone knows. I will successful soon. Therefore now I was choosing my life to face the pain, stress, and challenging 现苦后甜. Why I will like this, only 1 things making me like this. My family, when I youngest. My father already dislike me, no wonder what I things I do. Also is my false. Ever that is right things. Also is my false. Sometimes is them false, also will count to my head 算在我的头上!!! This is my father style. Actually I still have a lot of things. But now don’t have the feeling to sharing about that. Wait when I have the mood 1st lo.. hehe xD
Today, my room changes a new fan. Actually my old fan already GG long times ago. It because my room and his didn’t heard the fan was noisy with the stupid sound effect. And my mum keep said want changes a new 1… his said change what. Still ok mah!! Im didn’t hear got sound effect wor…………. Wow so nice is it.. For me.. Really hurt again. I can’t count the numbers of my father hurting me. Finally, my mum went to buy new fan. But is 3 new fans. I think is because want changes their too. Therefore I only got the change to have a new fan now. I was not at home whole day. When night I reach home, I saw it already changes and my room was so GG. No need write also understand ba.. rubbish a lot lo. Compare with my sister room, she 1 clean until so beauty. And my room.. walau eh………. My mum told me.. you dad already clean all.. just leave your rooms. So go clean it yourself ah.. I really don’t know what can said. But I never said what.. because im respect them. They are senior and my family. Today stop at here 1st. hehe xD